Church Planting Team Members in atheistic Schwerin-Lankow

Longo prazo

2-5 years


We are Gerard and Janneke de Wit, and we are ECM missionaries in Schwerin, Germany. With our four children, our desire is to share God's love through our lives in an area where God is a great unknown. Do you want to help us?


We live and work in Eastern Germany, in a part of the city of Schwerin with a lot of loneliness and neglect. We spend a lot of time with people from the neighborhood, talking, drinking coffee, playing games, and now we lead a small community and organise other activities. We also work together with the local Church.

Our goal and dream is to build up a Christian community, where people will have the chance to get to know Jesus for themselves with others in the neighborhood. We are building a community where people connect and discover their gifts and work with them. We work a lot outside, but we also have a small building where we meet people, do Bible studies, fix bikes and so on. For all of this and a lot more, we are looking for missionaries to come and join us!


A living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

A sharing of the vision and willingness to work within it. There is plenty of room for your own creativity.  

A willingness to insert yourself into the culture of East-German people and take time to earn their trust. To study the language and the culture for a year between arrival in the country and starting the ministry, and to live and work in the ordinary local housing in this part of the city. 

Gifts relevant to ministry in the young church plant and needs in the neighbourhood, such as children or youth work, social ministry, preaching, discipleship, mentoring, and music. Candidates with the gift of administration and finance are also needed.

Flexibility, eagerness to learn and open-mindedness are important in order to live and work here. To reach out to people who are at home a lot (older people, unemployed, families) a bi-vocational ministry is not really an option as you have to be available for the people.

Service Period 2 years or more

de Wit family









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